GEOSTORM (Movie): Although it is a B-grade Hollywood movie, it gives its BEST SHOT to impress you as much as it could!

The pace is ok, BUT slow down at the middle part with too much of talking that drags down the movie quite a bit. However, it picks up in the latter stage.
The CGI is ok, BUT some may look a bit faked at times. Also, the ‘weather as weapon’ is NOT well presented through severe threatening impacts, e.g. the tornadoes in India were just hovering around, while not really causing lives sacrifices!
I gave 3.5 out of 5.0. It’s a nice movie, but it leaves rooms for improvements. A recommended one over these quiet months (without many great movies)! Go, Go, Go!!!

The storyline is smart to have some twists in between, making you guess
who the culprit behind the problem is! The interesting part is that it
makes many people look suspicious, so.. HAPPY GUESSING!
The pace is ok, BUT slow down at the middle part with too much of talking that drags down the movie quite a bit. However, it picks up in the latter stage.

The CGI is ok, BUT some may look a bit faked at times. Also, the ‘weather as weapon’ is NOT well presented through severe threatening impacts, e.g. the tornadoes in India were just hovering around, while not really causing lives sacrifices!
I found the brotherhood conflict was rather
cheesy, especially the quarrels went on again and again! The only good
fight between the two was the ‘secret code’ part!
It’s also
interesting to see how this movie touches the three topics of
environmental issues, politics and relationship (family ties), which
zoom in real-life problems from a bigger scale (the earth) to big (a
country) and small (family). All these issues reflect the human greed,
selfishness and ignorance.
Flaws: It is just too over DISNEY
fairytale, where no matter how severe & bad the conditions are,
there is always a happy ending! The sacrifice of the main-cast may
perhaps make a better movie than he still remains the GOD of earth,
manipulating the weather! The natural disasters were rather touch-n-go,
without showing strong impacts in depth. I would expect more severe or
stronger damages that are threatening enough to escalate the visual and
emotional excitements!

I gave 3.5 out of 5.0. It’s a nice movie, but it leaves rooms for improvements. A recommended one over these quiet months (without many great movies)! Go, Go, Go!!!
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